Dark Clouds GBC dba Wonderwall Collective December Board Meeting
12/5/2023, Zoom
Meeting Called to Order 7:32, Immediately closed
Directors in Attendance- Zeller, Maggi, Anthony dSL, Andrew Beck, Daniel Ditmanson
Missing-Ryan, Mel Birke
SG Leadership-Tonia Kruczek (TNE), Megan Weber, Nick Rodriguez (DC), Mark Herdin,
Open Discussion-Closed to the Public
Open to Public Comment
Opened at 7:44
Committee Updates
- Working on 2024 budget proposal
- Outlining alternatives to Tifo, flags, flairs, etc. - to present to the FO
- Budgets are due by December 15, 2023
- YTD Incoming Spending
- $83k at end of 2022
- $126k at the end of 2023 (Current balance)
- $78k received through pass-through
- Shopify sales were higher than last year - $74k in 2023
- Dash Account will be closed - $3k balance
- New cards will be shared over
- Virtual cards will be organized by committee
- 2023 Tax Estimate is in progress
- ~$9k in Federal
- ~$4k in State
- Budget is being worked on
- Scarf design is in progress for 2024
- Working on a practice space
- Dark Clouds will no longer use Hootsuite - No longer working with Twitter, to a free platform, Maggi will review if this will work for WW comms
- Reach out to local orgs, colleges to see if we can find a volunteer - Communications & sports management
- Internship may need to be bigger than just WW Comms
- Opportunity to build the Comms Playbook - for someone to then execute against
- Need to prepare to write the job description up
- Include other opportunities within Wonderwall
Action: Andrew Beck, Daniel & Maggi to setup time to review a proposal together
Old Business
Website Review
- Meeting notes need to be uploaded to the website
Action Item - Maggi will be uploading the meeting note
Chant App
- Dark Clouds will be using the Chant App in 2024
- Last meeting with the vendor, he suggested to setup unique groups within the app
- There are three separate accounts. Other groups have it setup with an umbrella setup, with multiple groups within it - It is unlikely the Chant App will be used to manage affiliation.
Affiliation Process/Passthrough Formalization
- Brief conversation with Sean - No specific updates
- FO Legal had time to review the agreement, revisions to be sent back to WW from FO - Agreement includes the ability to send emails out for the affiliate process (only to get affiliation, and opt-in to receive emails)
- Consent is required to send more emails - Proposal from the team is due
Artem Project
- Closing this out - Thank you Anthony for the work done
SG Expectations - Board voted & approved
- Andrew motioned to approve the SG Expectations document
- Zeller seconded, Motion approved unanimously
- Updated due date is Dec 15, 2023
Membership Costs
- This would be for 2025
- Topic for the next in person meeting
New Business
2024 Annual Meeting & Elections - January 30, 2024
- People to review options on where this could be held
Membership Scarf Playbook
- In Progress
- - WW is no longer responsible for reprints, if a proof is not received with fiber samples
Annual Report Filing
- Target complete prior to the January Meeting
Election Playbook
- This is in progress with Zeller
Annual Report Playbook
- This is in progress with Maggi
Open to Board
- Ryan will be putting together documents / contracts for anyone that wants the new spending cards
- Personally responsible for anything that is not an approved expense
- Timeline on receipts submitted
- How misspent funds are handled
- Daniel-Power soccer was fun and the FO and families appreciated us showing up
- Maggi-Exec need to keep WW up to date on who is the exec channel
- Topics for WW/FO meeting topic thread in slack
Open to Executives
- Meagan-ISC tifo of the submission by SG, Anthony dSL suggests our more message focus tifos
- Conference reg due by January 5th
Meeting adjourned at 8:38