
Community Engagement

Members of the Dark Clouds and True North Elite volunteering with the United Way

Wonderwall in the Community

The Dark Clouds supporters group started us on this path of community service. The group was formed not only to support soccer but to affect positive change in the communities around them. The General Benefit Corporation (GBC) was similarly founded on that principle. In addition to the legal obligation to fulfill the mission of the organization — to support professional soccer, serve and build communities, and create a welcoming, inclusive culture around the sport in Minnesota — being an active part of the community and meeting its needs will always be at the core of who we are as the Wonderwall.

Our goal is to create an engaged group of supporters dedicated to improving our communities. Each supporter should set a goal for 10 hours of community service or participate in philanthropic activities in the community each year. The Wonderwall and its Supporters Groups (SGs) are a caring and compassionate group who gather together to be part of something larger than themselves. Being a positive influence on the larger Twin Cities community is one of the best ways to do so.

Our SGs are committed to making our communities a better place. Together, our groups totaled over 1,300 hours of community service and involvement. As well as making donations of over $22,000 to area charities like The Sanneh Foundation, Somali American Youth Enrichment Club (SAYEC), and others.

Learn more about the Dark Clouds Charity Card Club, Keepers of the North, Dark Clouds Silver Lining, and Red Loons. Get involved and help make our community better.

