Dark Clouds GBC (MN Wonderwall) October Board Meeting Minutes
October 03, 2023 - Zoom - 7:33 - Call to Order
WW Board: Maggi H (P), David Zeller (VP), Ryan Zumsen (T) Mel Birke (Sec), Anthony dSL, Andrew Beck
Dark Clouds: Nick Moore, Meagan Weber
True North Elite: Tonia Kruczek
Red Loons: –
Thunderwall: –
Unaffiliated: Yannick
Absent WW Board Members: Daniel Ditmanson
- Closed to Public
- Open to Public
- Yannick: Last meeting: Best Security followup - Good discussion with the club later in the week, to address the concerns raised. No actions taken.
- Committee Updates
- Tifo | Anthony
- No further builds planned
- Finance | Ryan
- 2022 Tax Return Reviewed
- Expected tax payment shared
- SG Year to Date Sales Reports with spending budget, eventually to be Quarterly reports
- Deposit $1k from Zarek received
- Transfer from Team is overdue
- Action: Maggi to confirm whether Team payment has been processed
- Thunderwall | Daniel (Not present)
- Working on a budget proposal for next year
- Will put together a weekend to clean out the tifo storage
- Comms | Maggi
- Ad for someone to join comms received nothing
- Old Business
- Website Review
- Resolve meeting notes issue - ability to post PDFs to the website
- Post the meeting notes as a Blog article - Tag with a link to PDF
- Action: Nick to test using a blog entry to post the PDFs Meeting Notes
- Chant App
- Additional logins have been shared
- Setup a meeting with the Chant App rep to - Mid-October
- Hat Project - Zarek Partnership
- Payment complete - Donation is pending
- Merch committee members appreciation - Fulfillment/distribution help
- Affiliation Process/Passthrough formalization
- Agreement document is with MNUFC Legal for review
- This is an end of year WW Board meeting
- This may require the team to update their terms & conditions with STHs
- Artem Project Update
- No update
- SG Affiliates Conversation
- Action: Andrew to get the next meeting on the books
- New Business
- Budgets- From each SGs & Committee are needed
- Finance to share each SGs budget by next board meeting - SGs budgets to then be due by the December meeting
- Action: Each Committee to submit their budget request by next meeting - Nov 07, 2023
- Increase the cost of the membership and comms plan for 2025 (Nov2023)
- Each SG to bring back this idea to their groups for review
- Whatever amount is added to the membership fee, will result on ticket prices increasing - Important to note how this will be communicated
- Tabled for Future Meetings
- Rebrand
- Annual Meeting/Election Playbook (David)
- Annual Report Playbook (Maggi)
- Member Scarf Playbook (Maggi)
- Open to Board
- No items
- Open to Executives
- TNE - Volunteered for Hazelton this weekend - Sober Scene - Tonia to share contact info as part of some sort of partnership
- Sports license plates are coming out, without MNUFC plates because they do not have a community fund - This could be an opportunity for WW to review with Sean & Kori
Meeting adjourned - 8:35pm CT