
October 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Dark Clouds GBC (MN Wonderwall) October Board Meeting Minutes

October 03, 2023 - Zoom - 7:33 - Call to Order

WW Board: Maggi H (P), David Zeller (VP), Ryan Zumsen (T) Mel Birke (Sec), Anthony dSL, Andrew Beck

Dark Clouds: Nick Moore, Meagan Weber

True North Elite: Tonia Kruczek

Red Loons: –

Thunderwall:  –

Unaffiliated: Yannick

Absent WW Board Members: Daniel Ditmanson


  1. Closed to Public

  2. Open to Public
    1. Yannick: Last meeting: Best Security followup - Good discussion with the club later in the week, to address the concerns raised. No actions taken.


  1. Committee Updates
    1. Tifo | Anthony
      1. No further builds planned


  1. Finance | Ryan
    1. 2022 Tax Return Reviewed
    2. Expected tax payment shared
    3. SG Year to Date Sales Reports with spending budget, eventually to be Quarterly reports
    4. Deposit $1k from Zarek received 
    5. Transfer from Team is overdue
    6. Action: Maggi to confirm whether Team payment has been processed


  1. Thunderwall | Daniel (Not present)
    1. Working on a budget proposal for next year
    2. Will put together a weekend to clean out the tifo storage 


  1. Comms | Maggi 
    1. Ad for someone to join comms received nothing


  1. Old Business
    1. Website Review
      1. Resolve meeting notes issue - ability to post PDFs to the website
      2. Post the meeting notes as a Blog article - Tag with a link to PDF
      3. Action: Nick to test using a blog entry to post the PDFs Meeting Notes
    2. Chant App
      1. Additional logins have been shared 
      2. Setup a meeting with the Chant App rep to - Mid-October
    3. Hat Project - Zarek Partnership
      1. Payment complete - Donation is pending
      2. Merch committee members appreciation - Fulfillment/distribution help 
    4. Affiliation Process/Passthrough formalization
      1. Agreement document is with MNUFC Legal for review
      2. This is an end of year WW Board meeting
      3. This may require the team to update their terms & conditions with STHs
    5. Artem Project Update
      1. No update
    6. SG Affiliates Conversation
      1. Action: Andrew to get the next meeting on the books


  1. New Business
    1. Budgets- From each SGs & Committee are needed
    2. Finance to share each SGs budget by next board meeting - SGs budgets to then be due by the December meeting 
    3. Action: Each Committee to submit their budget request by next meeting - Nov 07, 2023
  2. Increase the cost of the membership and comms plan for 2025 (Nov2023)
    1. Each SG to bring back this idea to their groups for review
    2. Whatever amount is added to the membership fee, will result on ticket prices increasing - Important to note how this will be communicated


  1. Tabled for Future Meetings
    1. Rebrand
    2. Annual Meeting/Election Playbook (David)
    3. Annual Report Playbook (Maggi)
    4. Member Scarf Playbook (Maggi)


  1. Open to Board
    1. No items


  1. Open to Executives
    1. TNE - Volunteered for Hazelton this weekend - Sober Scene - Tonia to share contact info as part of some sort of partnership
    2. Sports license plates are coming out, without MNUFC plates because they do not have a community fund - This could be an opportunity for WW to review with Sean & Kori


Meeting adjourned -  8:35pm CT
