Dark Clouds GBC dba Wonderwall Collective January Board Meeting
1/9/2024, Zoom
Meeting Called to Order 7:30, Immediately closed
Directors in Attendance- Zeller, Maggi, Anthony dSL, Andrew Beck, Daniel Ditmanson, Ryan Zumsen, Melanie Birke
SG Leadership-, Megan Weber (DC), Nick Rodriguez (DC), Mark Herdin (TNE),
Public- Chuck (TW), Robb (TW), Neal Logan (DC),
Absent: Tonia Kruczek (TNE)
Open Discussion
Open to Public Comment
Opened at 7:47
No public comments
Committee Updates
- Connecting with MSS for availability for the opener build in February
- Design is nearly finalized
- Action: With confirmation of weekend availability, social posts will be created
- $125k Current balance
- Listing of people who will be getting a RAMP card will be posted to the Executives Slack channel
- Anyone that then receives a card will be added to the Finance Channel
- User agreement will be provided as part of the Ramp card distribution
- $78k in 2023 Shopify Sales
- $79k in 2023 Passthrough recieved
- Off season practice has not been successful
- Scarf & button design is in progress for 2024
- Budget has been submitted to WW
- Fedica may be used by WW to get things posted
- Priorities for the next couple weeks, nomination form and tifo sign up
- Need job description for the
Old Business
Website Review
- Meeting notes need to be uploaded to the website
- Project will be closed for now
Affiliation Process/Passthrough Formalization
- Review of the document is need, with participation of each SG is needed to be done rather quickly
- Maggi will post to the Executive channel to gather the needed reps to review the document
Artem Project
- Fundraising event is still desired, but capacity to support is not there
- Project will remain closed for now
- Combined spending plan has been posted to the BoD slack, along with a draft of the overall budget for the board
- Action: Discussion to be wrapped up within the next two weeks
Membership Costs
- This would be for 2025, raising it to $35
- Potential to wait for this to be handled by the new board
- Action will be to put the communication package together to support this change - by the new board
- Andrew motioned to approach the team to increase the membership fee from $25 to $35 for 2025 season - Zeller seconded. Motion was unanimously approved
2024 Annual Meeting / Elections
- January 30, 2024 - Three seats are open -
- Ryan took the action to make the shares available for purchase
Membership Scarf Playbook
- Playbook has been posted for review and will be voted on in Slack
Annual Report Filing & Playbook
- Volunteer and donation details are due from the SGs
New Business
Night Before/Kickoff Party (3/1)
- Party was found to be helpful in handing out scarves
- Could use help planning the party - Need ideas for locations
- Need volunteers to help plan the party
Volunteer Tracking / Incentives
- Maybe a raffle system, grand prize then secondary prizes
- How are we counting hours for capos/drummer to make sure everyone has a chance.
- Ryan suggested separate drawings for match day vs one-off events
- Zeller this helps with volunteer burnout and grows vol base
- AdSL will put together a vol hour tracking document
Election Playbook
- This is in progress with Zeller
Annual Report Playbook
- This is in progress with Maggi
Open to Board
- Ryan Zumsen what’s our dba name? Maggi we are officially Wonderwall Collective. It was changed at the same time we did our business renewal
- Daniel TNE membership survey, does WW amplify. Mark from TNE said probably not to amplify
Open to Executives
Meeting adjourned at 8:32